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    New York University 結果共4筆

  • Taiwan-born Terry Tang takes helm of LA Times newsroom

    Terry T’ang, born in T’aipei, Taiwan, has been named the first female editor-in-chief of the Los Angeles Times in its 142-year history. T’ang immigrated to Los Angeles at age six, graduated from Yale University and New York University Law School, and previously worked at the ACLU and The New York Times before joining the Los Angeles Times in 2019.
    2024/04/09 17:34
  • Ma Ying-jeou urges global support for cross-strait dialogue

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou spoke at New York University, urging the US and the global community to encourage cross-strait dialogue instead of making Taiwan "the next Ukraine." He disagreed with the suggestion of arming Taiwanese citizens with AK-47s and emphasized the need for the new president to oppose Taiwan’s independence and accept the 1992 Consensus for cross-strait peace.
    2023/10/17 16:16
  • 課太難!學生成績爛崩潰抗議 紐約大學竟開除資深教授

    美國紐約大學(New York University)在今年8月,無預警解雇一名資深有機化學教授瓊斯(Maitland Jones Jr.),而原因竟然是因為有多名學生聯署,抗議瓊斯的授課內容「太難」,導致他們分數太難看。雖然瓊斯反駁學生們的「指控」,但是卻在開學前收到校方的解聘通知,引發全美熱議。
    2022/10/07 14:58
  • 紐約大學研究:孕婦接種新冠疫苗 抗體會傳給嬰兒

    美國紐約大學(New York University)一項研究表明,假如媽媽在懷孕期間接種新冠疫苗,產生的抗體也可以傳給小嬰兒,進而保護兩條寶貴生命,尤其懷孕時期如不小心感染病毒,孕婦提早分娩的機率將高出2到3倍,因此專家也再次呼籲孕婦積極接種疫苗。
    2021/09/24 17:57
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